Matthew Watts - Portfolio


Timeclock Application

An application an employer can use to set up departments and add employees to those departments. The employees can then clock in and out to record their time worked.

GitHub RepoDeployed Application

Food and Drink Recipes

Look up a random recipe to make or search with a term, same with drinks random drink recipes or search by term. I did the javascript and

GitHub RepoDeployed Application

Burger Naming Application

This is an application that you come up with names for burgers and they appear in the list, once you hit the devour button that burger will move to the devoured side.

GitHub RepoDeployed Application

GitHub profile to PDF

This CLI application that lets you take a person github and turn their profile into a pdf with some basic information from their profile.

GitHub Repo

Note Taker

This is a page that lets you take notes and save or delete them for when you return to the page.

GitHub RepoDeployed Application

Weather App

This weather app accesses a weather api that gets all the information for the weather and forecast for the city you type in.

GitHub RepoDeployed Application